Praying for Blessings and Peace
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As a treasure of Chinese culture, Taoism's practice method contains a lot of wisdom about longevity. Today, we share a simple and easy Taoist tip on longevity - nourishment and tranquility. These two methods can not only help you maintain physical health, but also promote inner peace and harmony.

道教作为中华文化的瑰宝,其修行方法中蕴含了许多长寿的智慧。今天,我们分享一个简单易行的道教长寿生活小知识——食养与清静。这两个方法不仅能帮助你保持身体健康,还能提升内心的宁静与和谐。 #Art #OtherIndustries #Architecture

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Breathing is the foundation of human life activities, and the correct way of breathing can significantly improve the health level and mental state of the body. In Taoist practice, natural breathing is regarded as an important way to reconcile the body's breath and enhance life energy. This article will explore in detail the basic principles, specific methods and positive effects of natural breathing on physical and mental health.

呼吸是人类生命活动的基础,而正确的呼吸方式则能够显著提升身体的健康水平和精神状态。道教修行中,自然呼吸法被视为调和身体气息、增强生命能量的重要方法。本文将详细探讨自然呼吸法的基本原理、具体方法及其对身心健康的积极影响。 #Music #OtherIndustries #Figures #Art

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Taoist Practice: Seeking Harmony of Body, Mind, and Spirit


Taoism, an integral part of traditional Chinese culture, has a history spanning over two thousand years. It is not just a religious belief but also a way of life and a philosophical system. Taoist practice emphasizes harmony between humans and nature, aiming for the holistic development of body, mind, and spirit. This article explores the fundamental principles, methods, and modern relevance of Taoist practice.

I. Fundamental Principles of Taoist Practice

1. Tao and Te: The core concepts of Taoism are "Tao" (the Way) and "Te" (virtue). Tao is the fundamental law of the universe, the origin of everything; Te is the manifestation of Tao, representing the moral and ethical principles that Taoists strive to follow. Practitioners seek to unify Tao and Te through self-cultivation, achieving harmony with nature.

2. Wu Wei: Taoism advocates "Wu Wei," which means "non-action" or "effortless action." It refers to acting in accordance with the natural flow of the universe without forced effort. Practitioners achieve mental tranquility and life balance by embracing simplicity and detachment from material pursuits.

3. Yin and Yang: Taoism teaches that the universe is composed of two opposing but complementary forces: Yin and Yang. Practitioners aim to balance these forces within themselves, achieving physical and mental harmony. This principle is widely applied in Taoist practices for health and healing.

II. Methods of Taoist Practice

1. Meditation: Meditation is a key method in Taoist practice. Through meditation, practitioners clear their minds, purify their spirits, and enhance inner peace and concentration. Common meditation postures include sitting cross-legged with hands forming specific mudras.

2. Breathing and Qigong: Taoism emphasizes the importance of breathing, believing that proper breath control can regulate the body's vital energy, promoting health and inner balance. Qigong, a practice combining breathing, movement, and intention, strengthens the body and enhances inner energy through regular exercises.

3. Talismans and Mantras: Talismans and mantras in Taoism are believed to possess mystical powers for protection and blessing. Practitioners write and chant these to invoke spiritual support and safeguard against negative influences.

4. Fasting and Prayer: Fasting in Taoist practice is a method of purification, where practitioners abstain from certain foods and desires to cleanse their bodies and minds. Prayer is a means of communicating with deities, expressing wishes, and gratitude, seeking spiritual guidance and support.

III. Modern Relevance of Taoist Practice

1. Physical and Mental Health: Taoist practices like meditation, qigong, and breath control help modern individuals manage stress, improve physical fitness, and promote overall health and balance.

2. Inner Peace: The Taoist principles of Wu Wei and detachment from material desires guide people towards inner peace and freedom, reducing the fixation on materialism and enhancing the quality of life.

3. Ecological Awareness: Taoism’s emphasis on harmony with nature fosters ecological awareness, providing valuable insights for sustainable development in modern society. By respecting natural laws and valuing all forms of life, people can better protect the environment and achieve harmony with nature.


Taoist practice is not only a religious activity but also a philosophy and wisdom for life. Through Taoist practice, individuals seek holistic development of body, mind, and spirit, striving for harmony with nature. In modern society, the methods and principles of Taoist practice remain highly relevant, offering pathways to health, balance, and inner tranquility. This exploration of Taoist practice aims to inspire and guide more people to understand and embrace the profound insights and benefits of this ancient tradition. #History #Art #MartialArts #Clothing #Figures #OtherIndustries

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The Tai Sui ritual aims to mitigate the adverse effects of offending Tai Sui, bringing peace and smoothness to you and your family. Taoist priests will perform rituals such as drawing talismans, chanting prayers, and other ceremonies to seek divine blessings, dispel misfortune, and restore harmony and balance in life. After the ritual concludes, the priests will express gratitude to the deities and wish you a smooth and peaceful new year. Whatever your needs may be, we offer the most professional Tai Sui ritual services. Feel free to contact us to learn more. #History #Art #OtherIndustries

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the Taoist priests will prepare the incense altar and offerings, ensuring that all ritual items are in place. When the ritual begins, the priests will conduct prayers and chants to seek blessings from the deities. Next, the priests will draw and use talismans, which are an essential part of the ritual.
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Following the previous episode where we held a ritual of transcendence and blessings for the children who tragically lost their lives in Palestine, today we delve into the role and significance of Taoist transcendence rituals. Known as "Du Wang" or "Du Ren" in Chinese, Taoist transcendence rituals employ specific ceremonies and chanting to help departed souls escape suffering and attain a better realm. The foundational theories of transcendence include Yin-Yang, Five Elements, the immortality of the soul, and karmic repercussions. These rituals aid in restoring balance, alleviating karmic obstacles, and guiding souls towards spiritual elevation. The process consists of six main steps:

Invoking the Deities: Prior to commencement, Taoist priests invoke divine spirits to bless and ensure the smooth progress of the ritual.

Reciting Scriptures and Mantras: Priests chant from revered texts such as the "Taishang Dongxuan Lingbao Jiuku Miaojing" to cleanse the environment and souls.

Offering and Sacrifice: Food, candles, and paper money are offered to express reverence and provide spiritual sustenance for the departed.

Burning Paper Money: This act is believed to provide wealth in the afterlife, easing the departed's suffering.

Opening the Way Ritual: Through spells and talismans, priests open paths for the soul to ascend to higher realms or reincarnate.

Ascending the Soul: Using talismans and rituals, priests guide the soul towards spiritual liberation or entry into the blissful realms.

Taoist symbols and artifacts wield mysterious powers, integral to completing these rites. They not only serve as essential components of the ritual but also carry profound cultural and religious significance. Transcendence rituals not only grant solace to departed souls but also offer comfort to the living, easing the pain of loss. By upholding Taoist teachings and culture, these rituals foster societal harmony and stability. Taoist transcendence rituals embody ancient wisdom, honoring the departed and expressing reverence for life and expectations for the afterlife. Thank you for watching. If you enjoyed this video, please like, subscribe, and share it with your friends! #History #Sects #Art #OtherIndustries

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The blessing and soul liberation ceremony for Palestinian children has concluded successfully.

Dear viewers, our blessing and soul liberation event has now concluded successfully. Thank you all for your attention and support. We look forward to seeing you at our next event. Wishing you all peace, health, and happiness!
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Free global charity event: Pray for blessings and transcendence for children who have suffered in war! #History #Figures #Architecture #Art #OtherIndustries

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Lighting the Beacon of Hope, Bringing Peace and Rest to Innocent Children

Dear Friends,

Amidst the smoke and flames of war, sometimes we can only grasp its cruelty through the news. We do not know the acrid smell of gunpowder on the battlefield, the shockwaves of bomb blasts, or the stains of loved ones' blood on our clothes. We have never trembled under the barrel of a gun, nor understood how hunger slowly devours life. Yet, these are the nightmares children in war zones face daily. They carry with them grievances, confusion, and fear, driven from their homes by the merciless hand of war, or worse, taken from this world, leaving behind solitary figures and indelible memories of pain. As you read this article, these children in conflict zones endure unimaginable suffering and despair—their cries, their despair, a silent plea across scorched earth, calling out for our attention, our action.

Therefore, we cordially invite you to join's Taoist public prayer event: "Blessing and Requiem for Children Affected by War," streamed live. Your participation will become an enduring beacon in their lives.

Registration Deadline: June 19, 2024, 12:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Live Stream Platform:

Purpose of the Event:

1. Blessing the Living Children:
In this sacred Taoist ceremony, we will collectively pray for the safety and happiness of children still struggling to survive in conflict zones. Your prayer, your blessing, may be the light a child sees in the darkness. May they rediscover lost smiles and hope amidst the turmoil of war, and may their future be free from fear and tears.

2. Requiem for the Departed Children:
Through solemn Taoist rituals, we will perform requiem rites for innocent children who perished in war. They were once the apple of their mothers' eyes, the joy of their fathers' hearts. Yet their lives were taken by the heartless war. May their souls find peace and rest, sleeping eternally in peace. Let us together light candles in our hearts for them, illuminating their path to heaven.

3. Global Connection, Collective Blessings:
We call upon friends from around the world to light candles in their hearts via the live stream, uniting in prayer and blessings. Every act of kindness converges into a powerful force, reaching these suffering children. Wherever you are, your care and love transcend time and space, warming the hearts of children in hardship.

How to Participate:

1. Click to visit the world's largest official Taoist community website:, for the latest updates and live stream links.

2. Click the live stream link and join the live broadcast during the event time to participate in the Taoist ritual with us.

3. Invite family and friends to join, amplifying our collective strength with more goodwill.

4. Share your blessings in real-time comments; we will convey these blessings to the children.

Focus and Support:

Your attention and support are not just participation in this Taoist ritual event, but also a beacon of hope for these children's future. Each participant's heartfelt intentions will be a ray of sunshine in these children's hearts. Let us act together to make the world a better and more peaceful place.

Contact Information:

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us through the following channels:
- 🌐 Official Taoist community website:
- 📧 Email Address:
- 📱 WhatsApp: +852 4607 1962

We look forward to your participation! Let us join hands and hearts to send the sincerest blessings and hope to children affected by war. Your compassion will warm this wounded land. Let us illuminate the future of these innocent lives by lighting the candles of love on this special night.
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In traditional Chinese culture, especially in Taoism and some folk beliefs, joss paper is seen as a symbol of wealth, used to burn in offering to deities and ancestors. They are commonly known as hell bank notes, gold paper, or silver paper. The custom of burning joss paper is based on the belief that the deceased in the underworld also need money to sustain their afterlife. By burning joss paper, the living relatives can send this symbolic wealth to the underworld for the deceased to use. In addition to use in sacrificial rituals, people also burn joss paper on significant festivals such as Qingming Festival and the Hungry Ghost Festival, as well as funerals. This practice serves as a way to comfort the departed souls and is also a traditional custom expressing filial piety and remembrance. #OtherIndustries

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1. Blessing and Sacrificial Services
# Blessing Ceremony
The Taoist blessing ceremony is an important way for believers to seek blessing, peace and happiness. Taoist temples or Taoist priests can provide various forms of blessing ceremonies:
- **Consecration ceremony**: Conduct consecration ceremonies for newly built houses, shops, vehicles, etc., praying for good luck and happiness.
- **Making of peace amulets**: Make and sell various amulets and peace amulets to pray for health and safety.
- **Regular blessing dharma assemblies**: Hold large-scale blessing dharma assemblies to attract believers to participate and pray for them.

# Sacrificial Activities
The sacrificial activities of Taoism include various ceremonies of sacrificing to gods, ancestors and transcending the deceased:
- **Ceremony of sacrificing to gods**: During important festivals such as the Spring Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, and the Mid-Autumn Festival, hold sacrificial ceremonies to attract believers to participate.
- **Ancestral sacrifice ceremony**: Provide privately customized ancestral sacrifice ceremonies for believers to help them remember their ancestors and inherit family traditions.
- **Transcending the deceased ceremony**: Hold a transcending the deceased ceremony for the deceased to help the deceased rest in peace and comfort the living.

2. Wedding and Funeral Etiquette Services
# Wedding Service
Taoist weddings, with their unique rituals and cultural connotations, are favored by more and more newlyweds. Taoist temples or Taoist priests can provide:
- **Taoist wedding planning**: Provide a full set of wedding planning services, including ritual design, venue layout, and dress rental.
- **Wedding hosting**: The Taoist priest hosts the wedding ceremony to add a traditional cultural atmosphere.

# Funeral Service
The Taoist funeral ceremony emphasizes sending the deceased on the road safely and soothing the souls of the living. Service items include:
- **Taoist funeral planning**: Provide funeral planning services, including the layout of the mourning hall and the arrangement of rituals.
- **Transcending the deceased ceremony**: Hold a transcending the deceased ceremony for the deceased to help them enter the afterlife smoothly.

3. Consecration and Evil-Averting Services
# Consecration Ceremony
Conduct consecration ceremonies for newly purchased items, houses or commercial places to pray for good luck. These services can include:
- **Consecration of items**: Such as jewelry, Buddha statues, vehicles, etc.
- **Consecration of new houses**: Conduct consecration ceremonies for new houses to pray for peace and smoothness.
- **Consecration of shops**: Conduct consecration ceremonies for newly opened shops and companies to pray for prosperous business.

# Evil-Averting Service
Taoism believes that specific rituals and talismans can resolve bad feng shui and evil spirits and ensure the safety of the family home:
- **Feng shui survey and adjustment**: Taoist priests conduct feng shui surveys and put forward adjustment suggestions to resolve evil spirits.
- **Making of talismans**: Make and sell evil-averting talismans to help believers drive away evil and avoid disasters.

4. Festival Activities
# Festival Dharma Assembly
During important Taoist festivals such as the Sanqing Festival, the Lantern Festival, and the Zhongyuan Festival, Taoist temples can hold large-scale dharma assemblies to attract believers to participate:
- **Large-scale dharma assembly**: Organize activities such as chanting scriptures, worshiping gods, and praying for blessings to increase the sense of participation and ritual.
- **Cultural performances**: Arrange traditional lion dances, dragon dances, musical performances, etc. during the dharma assembly to enrich the activity content.

5. Personalized Religious Consulting and Services
Provide personalized religious consulting services to help believers solve personal and family problems:
- **Divination and fortune-telling**: Provide services such as eight-character fortune-telling and Ziwei Doushu to answer life's doubts.
- **Spiritual counseling**: Through Taoist philosophy and practice methods, provide psychological counseling and spiritual support.

Order now and enjoy special discounts!
🎉 Time-limited discount: Order now and enjoy a 20% discount!
🎁 Special gift: After each blessing ceremony, we will give you a beautiful Taoist amulet or a life fortune-telling by eight characters to ensure the safety of the whole family.

How to order?
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📱 Website customer service: Welcome to click on the above official website to learn, consult and place an order! #OtherIndustries

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