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西王母!Queen Mother of the West!

Xiwangmu, also known as the "Golden Mother", "Jade Lake Golden Mother", "Taiyin Golden Mother", etc., is a Muse in ancient Chinese myths and legends, and one of the important gods in Taoism. She is considered to be the head of the female fairy in charge of immortality and immortality. She lives in the Yaochi in the Kunlun Mountains, dominates the Western immortals, and has eternal youth and mysterious power. In the Taoist belief system, the Western Queen Mother is the Muse in charge of the celestial palace and fairyland, and is often regarded as the consort or queen of the emperor. She often appears in mythological stories at Yaochi banquets, entertaining the immortals and bestowing immortal elixirs or fairy peaches. Regarding her image, in the early literature, the Queen Mother of the West was described as a half-human, half-beast with tiger teeth and leopard tails, and later gradually transformed into a dignified, beautiful and noble fairy image. The Queen Mother of the West is an important figure in traditional Chinese culture, often associated with the "Virgin of Yaochi", which symbolizes longevity, happiness and female strength. She is also an important figure in many Taoist sacrificial ceremonies, especially in prayers for longevity, health and harvest.
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